AdoptLINN Supporters

James Abell, FLS
- J. Ellis, An essay towards a natural history of the corallines. London: 1755. [Dr J. Groner's copy].
- Ortus Sanitatis. Mainz: 1491.
- A. Ibbetson. [MS 120: Manuscript relating to the physiology of plants and vegetables]. 1814.
- Arts and sciences : or, Fourth division of ''The English Cyclopædia''. London: 1866-1868.
- Chambers's encyclopædia : a dictionary of universal knowledge. London: 1888-1892.
- An unrestricted gift to the AdoptLINN scheme, November 2024.
Graham Avery, FLS
- C. Bicknell, Flora of Bordighera and San Remo or a Catalogue of the Wild Plants Growing in Western Liguria. Bordighera: 1896.
- J.J. Dillenius, Historia Muscorum. Oxford: 1741.
Ed Banks, FLS
- J. Sowerby, Coloured figures of English fungi or mushrooms. London: 1799. Volume 2.
- E. Lankester. Degeneration: a chapter in Darwinism. London, 1880.
David Barrie
- F.D. Godman, Natural history of the Azores, or Western Islands. London, 1870.
Benjamin Bather
- J. Walcott, Flora Britannica Indigena: Or Plates of the Indigenous Plants of Great Britain. Bath: 1778.
Brien Beharrell & Michael Beharrell
- W. Markwick. Remarks on Birds [manuscript]. 1880.
Dr Mark Benecke, FLS
- G.E. Rumpf. Thesaurus Imaginum Piscium Testacerum. Lugduni Batavorum: 1711.
- J. Gould. A Century of Birds From the Himalaya Mountains. London: 1831.
- C. Linnaeus.Species Plantarum. Holmiae: 1753.
- R. Vogel. Practisches Mineralsystem. Leipzig, 1762.
- P. Arduini.Animadversionum botanicarum specimen alterum. Venetiis, 1763.
- D. Vandelli.Tractatus de thermis agri Patavini. Patavii, 1761.
- J.J.G. von Justi. Grundriß des gesamten Mineralreiches. Goettingen, 1757.
- A.R. Wallace. Australasia. Vol. 2, Malaysia and the Pacific archipelagoes. London, 1894.
- A. Weismann. Essays upon heredity and kindred biological problems. Oxford, 1889.
- E. Donovan. The Natural History of British Insects. London, 1792-1796.
- J. Jonstonus. Historia Naturalis... . Amsterdam, 1657.
Glenn Benson, FLS
- E. Lear, Illustrations of the Family of Psitticadae, or Parrots. London: 1832.
- T. Hardwicke, 26 Indian Zoological Drawings, c.1821-1822.
- W. J. Swainson, Five drawings of trees, c.1845-1849.
- Reboxing of a walking stick belonging to Robert Brown (botanist, 1773-1858).
- F. Currey, 14 leaves of drawings of fungi, mostly coloured [1840-1880].
- T. Baines. Explorations in south-west Africa. London, 1864.
- J.D. Hooker and J. Ball. Journal of a tour in Marocco and the Great Atlas. London, 1878.
- J. Sowerby. "Outline of the natural size of the petrified head of a species of Alligator (supposed to be Lacerta gangetica of Linnaeus)" [MS.651], c.1780.
- An unrestricted gift to the AdoptLINN scheme, October 2024.
Gunn Bertheha
- A. Cesalpino, De Plantis Libri XVI. Florence: 1583.
Lee Bilson FLS (in his capacity as co-founder of Darwin Biological)
- T.H. Huxley, Evidence as to man's place in nature. London, 1863.
Prof. Janet Browne FLS
- F. Darwin (ed.). The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin. London, 1887.
- J. D. Hooker. Student’s flora of the British Islands. London, 1870.
- C. Darwin. Journal of researches into the natural history and geology of the countries visited during the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle round the world under the command of Capt. Fitz Roy, R.N. London, 1860.
- Linnean Society of London.Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society. Zoology, v.3. [Offprint of the Darwin-Wallace Papers]. London, 1858.
- R. Thornton. A new illustration of the sexual system of Linnaeus. London, 1799-[1807].
- An unrestricted gift to the Alfred Russel Wallace Bicentenary Appeal 2023.
David and Daniel Burnett
- N. Winch, J. Thornhill and R. Waugh, The Botanist's Guide through the Counties of Northumberland and Durham. Newcastle: 1805-1807. Interleaved and annotated by Nathaniel Winch.
"Adopted in memory of our father George Dawson Burnett (1917-2000)".
Ian Caldwell, FLS, and the descendants, families and friends of John Stackhouse (1742-1819), eminent botanist, mycologist and marine biologist
- J. Stackhouse, [Manuscript notebook on fungi], MS 459.
Individual Contributors: Ian Caldwell, Tom and Lucy Acton, John de Lucy, Nemone and Charlie Caldwell-Robinson, Christopher Caldwell, Sasha French, Zoe Panetta, Catherine Morrison, Roberta Pomberger, Ron Walker, Christopher Newman, Elizabeth McAuliffe, Toby Caldwell, Iris Evans and family, Susan Jackson, Jonathan French, Sheila Paynter and family, Betty Ross, Pamela Wolf, Vivien Young, Mark Caldwell, Lucian French, and Timothy Clark.
Elaine Charwat FLS
- S. Grieve. The Great Auk, or Garefowl (Alca impennis, Linn.): its history, archaeology and remains. London, 1885.
- P. B. Webb and S. Berthelot, Histoire naturelle des Iles Canaries. Paris: 1836-1850. Volumes 3(1) and 3(2/3).
"In memory of my father, Alfred Charwat."
Trevor Clarke ALS
- J. Lee.An introduction to botany. [First edition]. London, 1760.
- J. Lee.An introduction to botany. [Second edition]. London, 1765.
- L. Monnier. Observations d'histoire naturelle, faites dans les Provinces Méridionales de la France pendant l'année MDCCXXXIX. Paris, 1744.
Giles Coode-Adams FLS
- A.R. Wallace, Contributions to the theory of natural selection: a series of essays. London, 1870.
Prof Harold Cook, FLS
- J. de Laet. Novus orbis seu descriptionis Indiae Occidentalis libri XVIII. Lugduni, 1633.
Prof. Gregory P. Copenhaver, FLS
- F.A. Michaux,The North American sylva, or a description of the forest trees of the United States, Canada and Nova Scotia. Paris: 1818. Volume 2.
- Wilkes, Charles,United States Exploring Expedition during the years 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842, under the command of Charles Wilkes. Philadelphia: 1845. Atlas volume.
- Anthony van Leeuwenhoek. Arcana naturae detecta. Delphis Batavorum, 1695.
- A.L.A. Fee. Essai sur les cryptogames des ecorces exotiques officinales, precede d'une methode lichenographique, et d'un genera, avec des considerations sur la reproduction des agames. Paris: 1824.
- P. Geddes and J.A. Thomson. The evolution of sex. London, 1889.
- J.B.L. Pierre.Flore Forestière de la Cochinchine. Paris, 1879. Volumes 1 and 2.
Lord Cranbrook, HonFLS
- J. E. Smith, A sketch of a tour on the Continent in the years 1786 and 1787. London: 1793. Volume 1.
Prof. Keith A. Crandall, FLS
- F. Müller, Facts and arguments for Darwin. London, 1869.
Prof. Peter Cranston, FLS
- An unrestricted gift to the Alfred Russel Wallace Bicentenary Appeal 2023.
Sir Robert Craufurd, Bt.
- L. Le Comte, Memoirs and observations [...] made in a late journey through the Empire of China, and published in several letters. London: 1698.
"Adopted for Lady Georgina Craufurd".
Richard (Dick) Crowell FLS
- C. Lyell, The student's elements of geology. London, 1874.
- A.R. Wallace.Geographical distribution of animals. London, 1876.
Jennifer Cruse-Sanders FLS
- East India Company. Tastings of the East India Company's teas, for September and December 1836. London, 1836.
"In honor of Bud and Judy Agee".
Gay Daniels
- O. Crimmen. [X-rays of the Linnaean fish specimens]. c.1970.
Viscount Davenport
- R. Fortune, Three Years' Wanderings in the Northern Provinces of China, Including a Visit to the Tea, Silk, and Cotton Countries: With an Account of the Agriculture and Horticulture of the Chinese, New Plants etc. London: 1847.
- R. Fortune, Two Visits to the Tea Countries of China, and the British Tea Plantations of the Himalayas with a Narrative of Adventures and a Full Description of the Culture of the Tea Plant, the Agriculture, Horticulture and Botany of China. Third edition. London: 1853.
Dr Barry Denyer-Green, FLS
- J. Clayton. Cowthorpe Oak [MSS]. 1899.
Gina Douglas, HonFLS
J. E. Smith,A sketch of a tour on the Continent in the years 1786 and 1787.London: 1793. Volumes 2 & 3.
C. Waterton & J.G. Wood. Wanderings in South America, the north-west of the United States, and the Antilles, in the years 1812, 1816, 1820 & 1824. London, 1879.
R. Chambers. Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation. London, 1884.
- An unrestricted gift towards the AdoptLINN conservation scheme (July 2024).
Colin Ellis, FLS
- J. Crawfurd, A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language. London, 1852.
Ian Endersby, FLS
George Montague,Monography (or treatise) containing observations on a range of subjects including fish, vertebrates, invertebrates, and birds, as well as indexes. [Manuscript], 1802. Including a Letter to George Montague by W.E. Leach, [1829].
Michael Fay, FLS, Mark Chase, FLS, and Maarten Christenhusz, FLS
- A. Everardius, and R. Thorius, De Herba Panacea, Quam Alii Tabacum, Alii Petum, Aut Nicotianam Vocant. Utrecht: 1644.
John Feltwell, FLS
- W. Markwick. Extracts from Buffon's History of Birds. [Manuscript].
- W. Markwick. British Zoology. [Manuscript].
- W. Markwick. Descriptions and Figures of several Grasses and Rushes drawn from Nature. [Manuscript].
Paul Frame
- T. Pennant, [British Zoology]. London: 1766.
Cheng Man Fung
- C. Darwin, On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection. London: 1866.
"Adopted for my father, Cheng Tin San."
Angela Gall, Natural England
- J. Stackhouse. Nereis Britannica. Bathonia, 1795-1801.
Lauren Gardiner, FLS
- S.P. Oliver. Madagascar: an historical and descriptive account of the island and its former dependencies. London, 1886.
Megan Gent ALS
- J. Gould. A monograph of the Ramphastidae, or family of toucans. London, 1834.
Ric Glenn, FLS
- W. J. Hooker & R.A. Salisbury,The Paradisus Londinensis. London: 1805-1808. Volumes 1-2.
"Adopted for floral artist Criss Canning."
- W. J. Hooker,Exotic flora. Edinburgh: 1823-1827. Volumes 1-3.
"Adopted for my father, plantsman David Glenn."
Martin Godfrey, FLS
- J. Bolton, Filices Britannicae. Leeds: 1785.
Martin Godfrey, FLS and Rosie Godfrey
- J. Hedwig, Descriptio et adumbratio microscopico-analytica muscorum frondosorum nec non aliorum vegetantium e classe cryptogamica Linnaei novorum dubiisque vexatorum. Leipzig: 1787-1797.
Supported by Martin and Rosie Godfrey in celebration of their 50th wedding anniversary (29 August 2020).
David Goldsmith, ALS
- Ortus Sanitatis. Strasbourg: 1499.
Susan Gove, FLS
- R. Pulteney, Catalogues of the Birds, Shells and Some of the More Rare Plants of Dorsetshire. London: 1799.
"Adopted in memory of Sam Berry."
- G. A. Olivier, Entomologie : ou, Histoire naturelle des insectes. Coleopteres.Paris: 1789-1795.
"In memory of Peter Forster, satirical wood engraver".
- R. Spruce.List of botanical excursions, June 19th 1841 to April 30th 1863, entered in a notebook. Ms 48.
David Goyder, FLS
- H. Sloane. A voyage to the islands Madera, Barbados, Nieves, S. Christophers and Jamaica. Volume II. London, 1725.
Jennifer Grundy, FLS
- N.J. Jacquin, Plantarum rariorum Horti Caesarei Schoenbrunnensis: descriptiones et icones. [Vienna]: 1797-1804. Volumes 1-4.
"Adopted in memory of Peter, my loving husband and mentor, and for the Fellows of the Linnean Society who have made me so welcome."
J. Evelyn,Sylva, or a Discourse of Forest Trees. London: 1670 [i.e., 1669].
“Adopted for Peter, who loved trees”.
A. Anderson, 148 watercolours of plants from the Botanic Garden in St Vincent, presented to the Linnean Society of London.
Ben Hay, FLS
- C.L. Bonaparte. Conspectus generum avium. Lugduni Batavorum, 1850 [co-sponsor].
Alison Heath, FLS, and Roger Heath, FLS
- Sir J. E. Smith, (ed.). Caroli Linnaei Flora Lapponica. London: 1792. Copy interleaved and annotated by J. E. Smith.
- Robert Thornton. Temple of flora: or, Garden of the botanist, poet, painter and philosopher. London, 1812.
- Ulisse Aldrovandi. Quadrupedum Omnium Bisulcorum Historia. Bononiae [Bologna], 1621.
David C. Heins FLS
- C. Linnaeus. Species Plantarum [4th edition]. Berlin, 1797.
- W.P. Ball. Are the effects of use and disuse inherited? London, 1890.
- J. Baldwin. Development and evolution. New York, 1902.
Hitchin U3A (University of the Third Age)
- Antonio Vieyra and J. D. Canto,A New Dictionary of the Portuguese and English Languages. London: Longman, Rees, Orme, Browne [et. al.], 1826. Copy owned and annotated by Richard Spruce and Alfred Russel Wallace.
Colin Kilvington, FLS
- An unrestricted gift to the Alfred Russel Wallace Bicentenary Appeal 2023.
Dr Sandy Knapp, PPLS
M. F. Dunal, Histoire naturelle, médicale et économique des Solanum, et des genres qui ont été confondus avec eux. Paris: 1813.
A. Gouan, Flora Monspeliaca. Lyon: 1765.
G. George (artist), [Portrait in oils of Francis Masson, 1741-1805]. 1887.
Dr Martin Kunz FLS
India. Department of Revenue and Agriculture. A collection of papers on bee-keeping in India. Calcutta, 1883.
Prof Alan Lord, FLS
C. Darwin. On the origin of species by means of natural selection, or the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life. London, 1880.
G. Mantell. [A description of a fossil Alcyonium in a letter to A.B. Lambert, Esq.]. MS 130. 1814-1815.
Annette Lord FLS
E.B. Poulton. Charles Darwin and the theory of natural selection. London, 1896.
Elaine Monaghan, FLS
A. H. Hassall,A history of the British freshwater Algae including descriptions of the Desmideae and Diatomaceae. London: 1845. Volumes 1 & 2.
"Adopted in memory of Dr John W.G. Lund CBE, DSc, FRS, FIBiol, FCIWEM, FLS; an eminent freshwater phycologist, my former boss, and always a good friend."
Professor Mark Otten, FLS
- G. F. Hoffmann, Vegetabilia Cryptogama. [Erlangen]: 1787-1790.
- Sargent, W. & Barton, B., Papers relative to certain American antiquities. Philadelphia: 1796.
Sargent and Barton's Papers: “Adopted in memory of my parents Robert R. Otten and Joan F. Otten.”
Dr Helen Ougham, FLS
- L.A. Fuertes. Abyssinian birds and mammals. Chicago, 1930.
“For my beloved husband Sid - the late Professor Howard Thomas, Fellow of the Linnean Society, scientist, writer, musician and bird-lover.”
Michael Pearson FLS
- J. Clayton. The sequoias [MSS]. 1896.
Bridget Pinchbeck, FLS
- J. Tournefort. Catalogus plantarum horti Regii parisensis anno D:1695. [Manuscript], 1695.
Leo Plass ALS
- J. Gould. Monograph of the Ramphastidae. London, 1834.
Dawn Powell, FLS
- B. van Nooten. Fleurs, fruits et feuillages choisis de la flore et de la pomone de l'Ile de Java peints d'apres nature. Bruxelles, 1863.
Dr Chris Preston, FLS
- William Hudson, Flora Anglica: exhibens plantas per regnum Angliae sponte crescentes. London: [privately printed], 1762.
"Adopted in memory of Mrs G. Crompton."
- J. Hedwig, Theoria generationis et fructificationis plantarum cryptogamicarum Linnaei. St Petersburg: 1784.
- Carl Linnaeus, Species plantarum. Stockholm, 1762.
"Adopted in memory of Mr P.H. Oswald."
Professor David Pye, FLS
- E. Topsell, The History of Four-Footed Beasts and Serpents. London: 1658.
Prof. Dr. Thomas Reydon, FLS
- S. Butler. Evolution, Old and New. London, 1879.
- E.D. Cope, The Origin of the Fittest. New York, 1887.
Dr Elizabeth Rollinson, FLS
- J. Lindley (ed.). The ferns of Great Britain and Ireland. Nature-printed by Henry Bradbury. London: 1855-1856.
"Adopted for my amazing husband and soulmate, David."
Stephanie Rudgard-Redsell FLS
- A. Buckley. Winners in life's race. London, 1888. 2 parts.
Keith Salvesen, FLS
- C.L. Bonaparte. Conspectus generum avium. Lugduni Batavorum, 1850 [co-sponsor].
- J. Scouller. Darwinian fallacies. London, 1905.
- G. Boxall. The evolution of the world and of man. London, 1905.
- Hayden & Selwyn. Stanford's compendium of geography and travel: North America. London, 1883.
- A.H. Keane. Stanford's compendium of geography and travel: Asia. London, 1882.
- J.P. Knight.[Nathaniel Bagshaw Ward (Oil Painting)]. 1858.
Niki Simpson FLS
- Thomas Moore and Henry Bradbury, The nature-printed British ferns [Octavo edition]. London: 1859.
"Adopted in memory of my parents, Stephen and Alison Cruickshank."
Susan Stagg
- F.A. Michaux, The North American sylva, or a description of the forest trees of the United States, Canada and Nova Scotia. Paris: 1818. Volume 3.
Allison Stephens ALS
- J.A. Thomson. Heredity. London, 1908.
Jonathan Stephens FLS
- A.R. Wallace, Darwinism : an exposition of the theory of natural selection with some of its applications. London, 1889.
- G.F. Wright, Man and the Glacial Period. London, 1892.
Stacy Stoldt
- C. Darwin. The descent of man, and selection in relation to sex. London, 1874.
Swedish Linnaeus Society (Svenska Linnésällskapet)
- C. Clusius.Exoticorum libri decem: quibus animalium, plantarum, aromatum, aliorumque peregrinorum fructuum historiae describuntur. Leyden, 1605.
- E. Kaempfer. Amoenitatum exoticarum politico - physico - medicarum fasciculi V, quibus continentur variae relationes, observationes & descriptiones rerum Persicarum & ulterioris Asiae, multa attentione, in peregrinationibus per universum Orientem, collectae. Lemgoviae [Lemgo], 1712.
- H. Sloane. A voyage to the islands Madera, Barbados, Nieves, S. Christophers and Jamaica. Volume I. London, 1707.
Torsten Thiele, FLS
- An unrestricted gift to the Alfred Russel Wallace Bicentenary Appeal 2023.
Judith Thompson FLS & Ward Thompson FLS
- Draft of a letter from the Linnean Society of London to the East India Company on vellum, 1832.
- U. Aldrovandi, Quadrupedum omnium bisulcorum historia. Bononiae, 1621. [Part-sponsorship].
- An unrestricted gift to the Alfred Russel Wallace Bicentenary Appeal 2023.
- A. Weismann. Studies in the theory of descent. London, 1882.
- A. Dewar. From matter to man: a new theory of the universe. London, 1898.
Xiaojun Tian
- A. & M. King. The new astronomy and the laws of nature. Hammonton, N.J., 1911.
Gary Tigges
- Goergius Wedelius, Theoremata medica. Jena, 1692.
Dr Anke Timmermann, FLS and Type & Forme Booksellers
- Albrecht von Haller,Nomenclator ex historia plantarum indigenarum Helvetiae(1769)
- F.A. Michaux,The North American sylva, or a description of the forest trees of the United States, Canada and Nova Scotia. Paris: 1818. Volume 1.
An online fundraiser to mark Dr. Timmermann's and Type & Forme's birthday. Individual contributors: Dr Ronald Brashear, Tim Bryars, Marcelle Hanselaar, Beth T. Kilmarx, Dr Kathryn Lowe, Prof. Andrew Prescott, Dr Sylwester Ratowt, Dr Alison Rawles, Dr Stephen Rawles, Elizabeth Shedd, Dr Brian Stagg, Dr Laurence Totelin, Dr Brigitte Van Tiggelen
Dr Susan Turner, FLS
- St.G. J. Mivart. A monograph of the lories, or brush-tongued parrots, composing the family Loriidae. London, 1896.
Mr. David Ventham FLS
- An unrestricted gift to the Alfred Russel Wallace Bicentenary Appeal 2023.
Bill Russel Wallace
- An unrestricted gift to the Alfred Russel Wallace Bicentenary Appeal 2023.
Susan Wallace-Olson, FLS
- M. Malpighi, Anatome plantarum. London, 1675.
Dr Mark Watson, FLS and Dr Sy Sohmer, FLS
- A numerical list of dried specimens of plants in the East India Company's museum, collected under the superintendence of Dr. Wallich of the Company's botanic garden at Calcutta [a.k.a., "Wallich's Catalogue"], 1828-1849.
Dr Anthony Welch and Karen Welch
- John Evelyn, Silva: or, a discourse of forest-trees. London, 1786.
"On behalf of Roy Welch."
Dr Werner Wiethege
- A. von Humboldt & A. Bonpland, Recueil d'observations de zoologie et d'anatomie comparée. Paris: 1811-1833.
Anonymous Support
Donations to AdoptLINN also enabled the conservation of the following items:
B. Godfrey, Miscellanea Vere Utilia: Or Miscellaneous Experiments and Observations on Various Subjects. London: [1735?].
Martin Lister, Historiae sive synopsis methodicae conchyliorum et tabularum anatomicarum. Oxford: 1770.