AdoptLINN Supporters

AdoptLINN Supporters

James Abell, FLS

Graham Avery, FLS

Ed Banks, FLS

David Barrie

Benjamin Bather

Brien Beharrell & Michael Beharrell

Dr Mark Benecke, FLS

Glenn Benson, FLS

Gunn Bertheha

Lee Bilson FLS (in his capacity as co-founder of Darwin Biological)

Prof. Janet Browne FLS

David and Daniel Burnett

"Adopted in memory of our father George Dawson Burnett (1917-2000)".

Ian Caldwell, FLS, and the descendants, families and friends of John Stackhouse (1742-1819), eminent botanist, mycologist and marine biologist

  • J. Stackhouse, [Manuscript notebook on fungi], MS 459.

Individual Contributors: Ian Caldwell, Tom and Lucy Acton, John de Lucy, Nemone and Charlie Caldwell-Robinson, Christopher Caldwell, Sasha French, Zoe Panetta, Catherine Morrison, Roberta Pomberger, Ron Walker, Christopher Newman, Elizabeth McAuliffe, Toby Caldwell, Iris Evans and family, Susan Jackson, Jonathan French, Sheila Paynter and family, Betty Ross, Pamela Wolf, Vivien Young, Mark Caldwell, Lucian French, and Timothy Clark.

Elaine Charwat FLS

"In memory of my father, Alfred Charwat."

Trevor Clarke ALS

Giles Coode-Adams FLS

Prof. Gregory P. Copenhaver, FLS

Lord Cranbrook, HonFLS

Prof. Peter Cranston, FLS

  • An unrestricted gift to the Alfred Russel Wallace Bicentenary Appeal 2023.

Sir Robert Craufurd, Bt.

"Adopted for Lady Georgina Craufurd".

Richard (Dick) Crowell FLS

Jennifer Cruse-Sanders FLS

"In honor of Bud and Judy Agee".

Gay Daniels

  • O. Crimmen. [X-rays of the Linnaean fish specimens]. c.1970.

Viscount Davenport

Dr Barry Denyer-Green, FLS

Gina Douglas, HonFLS

Kevin Doyle
  • An unrestricted gift towards the AdoptLINN conservation scheme (July 2024).

Colin Ellis, FLS

Ian Endersby, FLS

Michael Fay, FLS, Mark Chase, FLS, and Maarten Christenhusz, FLS

Paul Frame

Cheng Man Fung

"Adopted for my father, Cheng Tin San."

Angela Gall, Natural England

Lauren Gardiner, FLS

Megan Gent ALS

Ric Glenn, FLS

"Adopted for floral artist Criss Canning."

  • W. J. Hooker,Exotic flora. Edinburgh: 1823-1827. Volumes 1-3.

"Adopted for my father, plantsman David Glenn."

Martin Godfrey, FLS

Martin Godfrey, FLS and Rosie Godfrey

Supported by Martin and Rosie Godfrey in celebration of their 50th wedding anniversary (29 August 2020).

David Goldsmith, ALS

Susan Gove, FLS

"Adopted in memory of Sam Berry."

"In memory of Peter Forster, satirical wood engraver".

  • R. Spruce.List of botanical excursions, June 19th 1841 to April 30th 1863, entered in a notebook. Ms 48.

David Goyder, FLS

Jennifer Grundy, FLS

"Adopted in memory of Peter, my loving husband and mentor, and for the Fellows of the Linnean Society who have made me so welcome."

“Adopted for Peter, who loved trees”.

  • A. Anderson, 148 watercolours of plants from the Botanic Garden in St Vincent, presented to the Linnean Society of London.

Ben Hay, FLS

Alison Heath, FLS, and Roger Heath, FLS

Hitchin U3A (University of the Third Age)

Colin Kilvington, FLS

  • An unrestricted gift to the Alfred Russel Wallace Bicentenary Appeal 2023.

Dr Sandy Knapp, PPLS

Dr Martin Kunz FLS

India. Department of Revenue and Agriculture. A collection of papers on bee-keeping in India. Calcutta, 1883.

Prof Alan Lord, FLS

C. Darwin. On the origin of species by means of natural selection, or the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life. London, 1880.

G. Mantell. [A description of a fossil Alcyonium in a letter to A.B. Lambert, Esq.]. MS 130. 1814-1815.

Annette Lord FLS

E.B. Poulton. Charles Darwin and the theory of natural selection. London, 1896.

Elaine Monaghan, FLS

"Adopted in memory of Dr John W.G. Lund CBE, DSc, FRS, FIBiol, FCIWEM, FLS; an eminent freshwater phycologist, my former boss, and always a good friend."

Professor Mark Otten, FLS

Sargent and Barton's Papers: “Adopted in memory of my parents Robert R. Otten and Joan F. Otten.”

Dr Helen Ougham, FLS

“For my beloved husband Sid - the late Professor Howard Thomas, Fellow of the Linnean Society, scientist, writer, musician and bird-lover.”

Michael Pearson FLS

Bridget Pinchbeck, FLS

Leo Plass ALS

Dawn Powell, FLS

Dr Chris Preston, FLS

"Adopted in memory of Mrs G. Crompton."

"Adopted in memory of Mr P.H. Oswald."

Professor David Pye, FLS

Prof. Dr. Thomas Reydon, FLS

Dr Elizabeth Rollinson, FLS

"Adopted for my amazing husband and soulmate, David."

Stephanie Rudgard-Redsell FLS

    Keith Salvesen, FLS

    Niki Simpson FLS

    "Adopted in memory of my parents, Stephen and Alison Cruickshank."

    Susan Stagg

    Allison Stephens ALS

    Jonathan Stephens FLS

    Stacy Stoldt

    Swedish Linnaeus Society (Svenska Linnésällskapet)

    Torsten Thiele, FLS

    • An unrestricted gift to the Alfred Russel Wallace Bicentenary Appeal 2023.

    Judith Thompson FLS & Ward Thompson FLS

    Xiaojun Tian

    Gary Tigges

    Dr Anke Timmermann, FLS and Type & Forme Booksellers

    An online fundraiser to mark Dr. Timmermann's and Type & Forme's birthday. Individual contributors: Dr Ronald Brashear, Tim Bryars, Marcelle Hanselaar, Beth T. Kilmarx, Dr Kathryn Lowe, Prof. Andrew Prescott, Dr Sylwester Ratowt, Dr Alison Rawles, Dr Stephen Rawles, Elizabeth Shedd, Dr Brian Stagg, Dr Laurence Totelin, Dr Brigitte Van Tiggelen

    Dr Susan Turner, FLS

    Mr. David Ventham FLS

    • An unrestricted gift to the Alfred Russel Wallace Bicentenary Appeal 2023.

    Bill Russel Wallace

    • An unrestricted gift to the Alfred Russel Wallace Bicentenary Appeal 2023.

    Susan Wallace-Olson, FLS

    Dr Mark Watson, FLS and Dr Sy Sohmer, FLS

    Dr Anthony Welch and Karen Welch

    "On behalf of Roy Welch."

    Dr Werner Wiethege

    Anonymous Support

    Donations to AdoptLINN also enabled the conservation of the following items:

    B. Godfrey, Miscellanea Vere Utilia: Or Miscellaneous Experiments and Observations on Various Subjects. London: [1735?].

    Martin Lister, Historiae sive synopsis methodicae conchyliorum et tabularum anatomicarum. Oxford: 1770.