Linnean Learning take on the ASE conference
Published on 26th January 2018

As the nation rubbed their sleepy eyes after a hectic New Years Day, the Linnean Learning team were busy preparing to head to Liverpool to join the annual Association for Science Education Conference (ASE). The ASE Conference — held between Wednesday 3 and Saturday 6 January 2018 — attracts science educators from all over the UK and beyond to share good practice, research and practical ideas for the classroom. Linnean Learning has developed a wealth of resources over the years to support the national curriculum and the education of young people.

This year, we decided to load the entirety of our resource collection onto USBs to hand out, rather than paper copies, meaning that not only are we doing our bit to save on paper waste, but we’re also providing teachers with an unlimited supply of our resources. Additionally we signed up many schools who wanted printed copies of our great posters and new Biomedia Meltdown booklet — so we’ll be sending those out shortly.
When we weren’t chatting to teachers, the Learning team managed to attend some of the talks and sessions for educators. The Linnean Society sponsored a talk called Biology in the Real World by Graeme Shannon from Bangor University which explored cognitive abilities in the wild. Other great sessions included teaching science to students with special educational needs and disabilities, and discussing a space-science-art project called SunSpaceArt.
While the Conference focused on the educators, it was great to meet up with other resource-providers and explore how we can work together in the future, whether that be through sharing ideas, resources, skills or just a pot of tea.
The ASE Conference has filled us up with happy thoughts as we look forward into 2018 – we hope you’re as excited as we are!
To keep an eye on what we will be up to in 2018 you can follow us via twitter @linneanlearning
Joe Burton, Education and Public Engagement Manager